Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Different behavior in New and Edit form for a custom field

A request from a client was to create a custom field for a SharePoint list with different behavior in New form than in Edit. I was able to control this using JavaScript and the only thing left to do is to know in which form the field is rendered.

For this I had to override the RenderFieldForInput method provided by BaseFieldControl class and check the SPControlMode.

public class MyCustomField : BaseFieldControl 

protected override void RenderFieldForInput(HtmlTextWriter output)
string pathToScript = String.Empty;
if (this.Field != null) pathToScript = (this.ControlMode == SPControlMode.Edit) ? "scriptforedit.js" : "scriptforother.js";
output.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\""+ pathToScript +"\" ></script>");

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Select parents in a TreeView using JQuery

The requirement is to be able to select the parents of a node in a TreeView if a child is selected. Not only the first parent, all parents and to be able to unselect after if we want.

If we look at generated source code we will notice that the parent node is in a div tag. Inside this div are the childrens inside a table/tr/td tags. So we must look for checkboxes inside a table data, table that is nested into a div. Is better to assign an attribute to the tree to be more easy to find. I added  the attribute “cipg” with the value “mpower”. The id of the tree is “theOne”.

The code below solve this requirement. I’m sure this can be improved.

<script type="text/javascript"> 

function applyToParent(parent, treeId)
var actualId = treeId+'theOne';
if (parent.attr('id')!= actualId)
var parentId = parent.attr('id').replace('Nodes', '');
var theOne = $("div[cipg='mpower'] table tr td input[type='checkbox'][id^='"+parentId+"']");
theOne.attr('checked', true);
applyToParent(GetParent(theOne), treeId);

function GetParent(theCurrent)
return theCurrent.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent();

function checkTheParent()
if($(this).attr('checked') == true)
var theParent = GetParent($(this));
var currentId = $(this).attr('id');
var treeId = currentId.substring(0,currentId.indexOf('theOne'));
applyToParent(theParent, treeId);

$("div[cipg='mpower'] table tr td input[type='checkbox']").bind('click', checkTheParent);


Friday, May 8, 2009

Display item type icon in SPGridView after search

I had a request to display, after a search, an icon to make a visual distinction between types of every item matching the criteria. So after creating the query I had to render the SPGridView that I fill with the results.

First was the problem of obtaining the link to the icon describing the type for each search result and after that the display.

For the display part I add a field to grid using TemplateField:

//add type image column for Type
TemplateField typeCol = new TemplateField();
typeCol.HeaderText = “Type”;
typeCol.ItemTemplate = new ItemType("TheId", theList);

Here the grdMain is the SPGridView object and “TheId” is a managed property mapped to ows_ID crawled property. If you use CAML query you have to get the ID of the object into the TheId column.

Now I had to create the class that helped me to display properly the icon. This class inherit ITemplate. In the “InstantiateIn” method we have to write the following:

public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
Image img = new Image();
img.DataBinding += new EventHandler(img_DataBinding);

As parameters into the constructor of this class we receive the name of the displayed column and the list containing the searched object. Using this data we can get all needed information. Here is the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;

namespace Com.CFG.WebParts.SearchResultsDocs
/// <summary>
/// Implements a custom field which serves as a hyperlink
/// </summary>
class ItemType : ITemplate
private String _ColumnDisplay;
private SPList _theList;

#region ITemplate Members

public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
Image img = new Image();
img.DataBinding += new EventHandler(img_DataBinding);

/// <summary>
/// Initializes the hyperlink field
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ColumnDisplay">The name of the column which contains the value to be displayed</param>
public ItemType(String ColumnDisplay, SPList theList)
_ColumnDisplay = ColumnDisplay;
_theList = theList;

void img_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
Image img = (Image)sender;

SPGridViewRow container = (SPGridViewRow)img.NamingContainer;

//display name
string itemId = (DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, _ColumnDisplay)).ToString();
string imageurl = GetTypeIconLink(_theList, Int32.Parse(itemId));

if (imageurl.Length > 0)
img.ImageUrl = "/_layouts/images/" + imageurl;
img.Width = Unit.Pixel(16);
img.Visible = true;
img.Visible = false;

private string GetTypeIconLink(SPList faqList, int itemId)
string returnStr = String.Empty;

SPFile afile = faqList.GetItemById(itemId).File;
if (afile != null)
returnStr = afile.IconUrl;
return returnStr;


If we do not use this class and simply want to add this column to the SPGridView using this code:

SPBoundField acol = new SPBoundField();
acol.HeaderText = "Type";
acol.DataField = "TheId";
acol.Visible = true;

what we will see into the grid is something like

<img src=”/_layouts/images/…” instead of the icon and this not what we want.

As you noticed from the code, the way to get the path to icon is to use the IconUrl property of item attached file:

private string GetTypeIconLink(SPList faqList, int itemId)
string returnStr = String.Empty;

SPFile afile = faqList.GetItemById(itemId).File;
if (afile != null)
returnStr = afile.IconUrl;
return returnStr;

Problem solved.

Managed Property Creator tool

In interface everybody knows to create Managed Properties used by MOSS search. Those can also be created programmatically very simple. This tool is created to be used by the admins on deployment time. Using this tool the admins save time and they are sure that all managed properties were created with no error.

This tool use a configuration file describing the managed properties name, description mapped properties etc. This file must be updated before the tool is used. Here is an example of this file look like:

<Description>My first test</Description>

This will create a managed property called “TheId” that will be used in scope search and mapped to the “ows_ID” crawled property. Can be zero, one or more crawled property mapped depending on how much are specified inside the CrawledProperties tag.

Do not forget that a property will be crawled only if contain any data.

For using this tool you have to specify two parameters. First is “-c” or “-d” if you want to create or delete. Second is the name of the configuration file.

Having the code bellow you only have to compile and use.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.Office.Server;
using Microsoft.Office.Server.Search;
using Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration;
using System.Xml;

namespace ManagedPropertyCreator
class Program
private static ManagedDataType GetManagedDataType(string strDataType)
ManagedDataType returnValue = ManagedDataType.Text;
switch (strDataType)
case ("binary"):
returnValue = ManagedDataType.Binary;
case ("datetime"):
returnValue = ManagedDataType.DateTime;
case ("decimal"):
returnValue = ManagedDataType.Decimal;
case ("integer"):
returnValue = ManagedDataType.Integer;
case ("yesno"):
returnValue = ManagedDataType.YesNo;
returnValue = ManagedDataType.Text;
return returnValue;

private static bool GetUsedInScopes(string isused)
if (isused.CompareTo("no") == 0) return false;
else return true;

private static Category GetSharePointCategory(Schema sspSchema)
CategoryCollection categories = sspSchema.AllCategories;
foreach (Category category in categories)
if (category.Name.Contains("SharePoint"))
return category;
return null;

private static bool GetUsageMode(string usageMode)
if (usageMode == "-c") return true;
else return false;

static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length != 2)

bool isCreating = GetUsageMode(args[0]);

XmlDocument config_file = new XmlDocument();
Console.WriteLine("Parsing configuration file... ");

// get the site url
string strURL = config_file.SelectSingleNode("/root/SiteName").InnerXml.ToString().Trim();

SearchContext context;
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(strURL))
context = SearchContext.GetContext(site);
if (context != null) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Connected to {0}...", strURL));
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Error : Cannot connect to {0} !", strURL));
Schema sspSchema = new Schema(context);
ManagedPropertyCollection properties = sspSchema.AllManagedProperties;

// get mapped properties nodes
XmlNode nodeMappedProperties = config_file.SelectSingleNode("/root/MappedProperties");
foreach (XmlNode mpNode in nodeMappedProperties.ChildNodes)
string mpName = mpNode.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerXml.ToString().Trim();
string mpDesc = mpNode.SelectSingleNode("Description").InnerXml.ToString().Trim();
string mpUseInScopes = mpNode.SelectSingleNode("UseInScopes").InnerXml.ToString().Trim();
string mpDataType = mpNode.SelectSingleNode("DataType").InnerXml.ToString().Trim();

// here code for create Managed Property
Console.Write(String.Format("{0} <{1}> metadata property", (isCreating)?"Create":"Delete", mpName));
if (properties.Contains(mpName))
if (isCreating)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nINFO: Managed Property with name <{0}> already exists. Will be skipped...", mpName));
continue; // already exist - skip this one
if (!isCreating)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nINFO: Managed Property with name <{0}> do not exists. Will be skipped...", mpName));
continue; // do not exist - skip this one

if (isCreating)
ManagedProperty newMP = properties.Create(mpName, GetManagedDataType(mpDataType));
newMP.Description = mpDesc;
newMP.EnabledForScoping = GetUsedInScopes(mpUseInScopes);

MappingCollection mappings = new MappingCollection();
XmlNode mpCrawledProperties = mpNode.SelectSingleNode("CrawledProperties");
// code for map with crawled properties
foreach (XmlNode mpCrawledProperty in mpCrawledProperties.ChildNodes)
string nameCrawledProperty = mpCrawledProperty.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerXml.ToString().Trim();

foreach (CrawledProperty property in GetSharePointCategory(sspSchema).GetAllCrawledProperties())
if (property.Name.CompareTo(nameCrawledProperty) == 0)
mappings.Add(new Mapping(property.Propset, property.Name, property.VariantType, newMP.PID));

// do not forget to update the new created mapped property
foreach (ManagedProperty oldMP in properties)
if (oldMP.Name == mpName)
if (oldMP.DeleteDisallowed)
Console.WriteLine("\n DeleteDisallowed enabled for " + mpName + ". Delete failed.");
Console.Write("\n"+mpName + " deleted.");
Console.Write("...OK"); Console.WriteLine("");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("\n All any key");Console.ReadKey();


static void Usage()
Console.WriteLine("Managed Property Creator");
Console.WriteLine("Usage: ManagedPropertyCreator.exe <usage_mod> <conf_file>");
Console.WriteLine("<usage_mod> - Specify if the tool is used to create or delete metadata properties. Acceptev values: -c and -d");
Console.WriteLine("<conf_file> - The file that contain the configuration data.");


And yes, the configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- SiteName is the name of the site using the SharedServiceProvider -->
<!-- DataType can be : binary, datetime, decimal, integer, text, yesno -->
<!-- UseInScopes can be : yes or no -->
<Description>My first test</Description>
<Description>My first test 2</Description>

For using you only have to type

ManagedPropertyCreator.exe –c mpc_config.xml

Modify the fields order into New and Edit form of a list

If you have created a list and want for some reasons to change the order of the fields into the New or Edit form you can do this using the interface or at list creation time, using the schema.xml.

Using the interface you have to go to “List Settings” -> “Columns” -> “Column ordering” if your list has not content type enabled or “Settings” -> “Content Types”-> click on used content types -> “Columns” -> “Column order” in the other case.

If you want to do this using schema.xml you have to go in the <ContentTypes> tag and get the ID of the referenced content type. Using this ID go to the part that describe your contenttype and referenced fields. The fields order is decided by declaration order. For example if we have:

<FieldRef ID="{BAA1289C-E3B8-11DD-95C8-C09456D89593}" Name="Field1" DisplayName="Field1" />
<FieldRef ID="{E7CD97AA-E3B8-12DD-861B-5F9656D89593}" Name="Field2" DisplayName="Field2" />
<FieldRef ID="{B2AB2191-2376-4B2C-938A-74AA4D14FF36}" Name="Field3" DisplayName="Field3" />

Then the fields order will be Field1, Field2, Field3. Now change the declaration order and you will see that the fields order will be changed also.

If we do not use content types and still want to customise the fields order seems that a default content type is used and the name for this is “Item”. Since this is a customisation I think you have to declare a new content type and do the steps from above.

Another way can be to create your own customized page for New and Display.

MOSS Search DateTime comparation

Using the MOSS search one of the criteria was to match some items to a DateTime criteria. I have to specify that I was using FullTextSqlQuery and I had to build the query into the code because some other custom property ware added as criteria for search.

Now back to DateTime, all seems to work for dates greater (>) and less (<). My problem was matching on equal criteria. According to MSDN we must not use equal criteria because the way the date is stored into database. They stored with hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds etc. They say that using “=” you will get unpredictable search results.

But since the client want this and we have to make the client happy I had to find a solution to this. Only way to solve the problem was instead of writing

TimeStart = '2009-04-23'

to write

( TimeStart >= '2009-04-22' ) AND (TimeStart < '2009-04-23' )

as matching criteria.

It seems to work in my case.