Monday, April 6, 2009

Single check on a TreeView

In the past I showed how to bind a TreeView control to a xml data source. Now the task is to allow selection of none or only one node from this control.

An ideea is to implement this using JQuery. A friend introduced me to this scripting language and now the solution seems simple. I’m sure that it can be improved but is my first contact with JQuery so have mercy.

The only thing that we have to do is to add some new code to the existing TreeView solution.

To display all checkboxes for the tree in order to be able to do the selection we have to set the ShowCheckBoxes property.

TreeView tv = (TreeView)Page.FindControl("ChapterTree");
tv.ShowCheckBoxes = TreeNodeTypes.All;

And this are all modification that we must to into the .cs file. Now we must open the .aspx page and add some lines. Of course  the first that we have to add is the reference to the jquery.js file. You can download this file from the JQuery site and have the latest version.

To be able to access our TreeView checkboxes we have first to take a look into the source code of the page. We will see that our controls have a generated ID. What we can do to access our control is to attach an attribute and search by this attribute. We must notice that our checkboxes are created into some cells of a html table. To access  them we have to create a selector that go from the TreeView control to our checkboxes.

$("div[myAttribute='myValue'] table tr td input[type='checkbox']")

After that we have to bind a function to each of our checkboxes. In this function we unselect all other and select the current node.

Below is all the code that must be added into the head tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function aClick() {
var allNodes = $("div[myAttribute='myValue'] table tr td input[type='checkbox']");
allNodes.bind('click', aClick);
allNodes.attr('checked', false);
$(this).attr('checked', true);
$(this).unbind('click', aClick);

$("div[myAttribute='myValue'] table tr td input[type='checkbox']").bind('click', aClick);

Now all seems to be simple. From today I start to apreciate JQuery.

Have a nice one !


  1. Cheers man !
    works like a charm ! you are absolutely right about appreciating jQuery... its so much easier and elegant to do this task with jQuery than in common JS.
